Website Rescue Terms & Conditions
Program runs through 12/31/2022; one organization will be selected each month with the selected organization notified by the 28th of the month
Applicants must be a 501c3 Rescue and/or Shelter
Applications must be submitted for consideration by the Director, representative employee, or appropriate Board Member
Applications must be received by the 15th of the month to be considered for the current month; any applications received after the 15th will be considered for the following months
Applicants only need to apply once and will be considered each following month
Evaluation of applicants ability to meet the necessary qualifications is at Lotus IT’s discretion; in the event no qualifying applications are submitted, no selections will be made that month
Upon selection, organization must agree to:
- New sites must host your website on Wix; existing sites needing updating can be on any platform
Pay the cost of website hosting, domain (www address), and any email addresses connected to domain
Display “Built by Lotus IT Website Rescue” with the corresponding link in the website footer until the website is replaced or removed
Provide a direct contact for the duration of the project who can answer questions, provide requested information and assistance, and sign off on the completed project
Provide an individual to transition the completed website to (this may or may not be the same person as the contact for the project)
Provide all photos, copy (text), links, widgets, and required information for the project
Hold Lotus IT and its affiliates harmless​
- Websites will have basic functionality and the following pages:
Adoptable Pets (via widget)
Previous Adoptions (Happy Tails/photo gallery)
Adoption Process
Adoption Application
Adoption Info
How to Help
Volunteer Information & Application
Foster Information & Application
Location & Hours
Location & Hours
Email, Phone
Contact Submission Form
Additional Functionality
Newsletter Sign Up
Social Links
Domain Connection
Basic SEO Set Up with connection to Google Search Console
Note: Requests for additional functionality and/or pages will be considered on an individual basis.